7 Figure Amazon Seller Streamlines PPC with Scale Insights

How 7-Figure Amazon seller Torsten Streamlined PPC Management and Boosted Efficiency with the help of Scale Insights

Meet Torsten, a successful Amazon seller and founder of Headline, an Australia-based Amazon PPC Agency.

As the founder, Torsten’s goal is to help his customers achieve long-term development with PPC strategies that are not only data-informed but also actionable and effective. To support his mission, he sought out the best PPC tools for his agency.

After trying 10 to 15 different Amazon PPC softwares, Torsten found Scale Insights.

Join successful Amazon sellers like Torsten in streamlining your PPC management with Scale Insights by learning about our key features here:


With our highly customizable and automated features, Torsten and his team have freed up time to focus on other overlooked aspects of PPC, such as organic rank management and outlier optimization.


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