Polycat money management: a fish that is worth farming on polygon matic

In this video we will cover the following topics:
– 00:00 Intro
– 00:28 Rugdoc.io: free smart contract reviews
– 04:15 Polycat yield farming
– 08:46 Fish token
– 09:39 Conclusion
– 10:05 Vfat.tools: manage all your pools in once place

After the big crash of the Iron money management project, I can imagine the taste for yield farming might be a bit sour. However, there are other interesting projects out there and one of them is Polycat. The dev is known in the community, the code has several external audits and it has a vibrant community. Does that mean it’s without uncertainty? Of course not, but it is worth checking out.

On top of that we take a look at Rugdoc.io which is an awesome tool to start your yield farming research. The RugDoc team reviews the code of new defi projects and is a first filter to protect against hard rugs. Even after projecs have launched, they continue to update the information on their website.

Last but not least I want to talk about Vfat.tools, another great tool for the yield farmers out there.

Interesting tools & links:
– Polycat: https://wallet.matic.network/bridge/
– Rugdoc.io: https://rugdoc.io/
– Vfat.tools: https://vfat.tools/
– @thehumblefarmer : https://www.youtube.com/user/TheTaikster

#polygon polycat #matic #defi

Let’s get on that crypto train!


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– Bobcat miner: https://www.bobcatminer.com/?ref=xVtpg4k5PPCdG
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– Kraken: https://r.kraken.com/x0mv3
– Binance (code: 23179552): https://www.binance.com/en/register?ref=23179552
– Crypto.com (25USD bonus): https://platinum.crypto.com/r/axf3kq2wrg


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