Bonn Climate Conf 2024 Side Event – Digital tools, money management, Edutainment & Culture for Climate Action

The side event did showcase innovative approaches to all of society climate action empowerment with culture, technology, edutainment and international cooperation and the potentials of digital innovation to amplify culture based climate action. It builds on the initiative of the COP presidencies UAE and Brazil, who have formed a coalition of countries – a group of friends in the UN system – for culture based climate action

Innovation for climate action empowerment on individual level. Use cases: Inclusive COP29 with Edutainment show & streaming TV, Digital Innovation Pavilion, link to UN Summit of the Future, ACE, Group of friends on Culture based climate action and UGIH Task force on Culture & creative field

Alexey Shadrin, Evercity – Eurasian Carbon Fund – Climate Chain Coalition – Welcome and Intro

Miroslav Polzer – IAAI GloCha, Climate Chain Coalition, Digital Innovation pavilion – Intro 2 (via zoom)
Samuel Rubin, Entertainment and Culture Pavilion & UNFCCC’s Sectoral Initiative Entertainment and Culture for Climate Action (ECCA)
Christina Stevens – GloCha & Revolution Love; GloCha Contest 2024: Creating the Future with Music and Art and edutainment show preparations
Ako Foundation
Sebastian Öhman, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) – Data Economy Program,
Lisa Lang, Climate KIC & Culture and Creative Industries (CCI) Taskforce UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub
Kenza Benmoussa, Sustainability and Communication Consultant | PhD candidate Digital, Communication & Political Sciences | Global Shaper at World Economic Forum
Alison Tickell | Julie’s Bicycle | Founder & chief executive officer
Avit Kumar Bhowmik, Karlstad University, The Long Game
Daniel Morrell, Balance Eco, UK
Maria Paula Fidalgo, actress, Brazil (via zoom)
Mahnaz Anwar Fancy, UAE Ministry of Culture


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