Webinar Climate financial

The webinar on Climate financial discussed the sources of climate funding in Brazil, addressing the international cooperation initiatives related to the climate agenda, the commitments assumed by Brazil resulting from mitigation and adaptation public policies, and the funding situation of these climate policies and projects in the country. In addition, the experiences and opportunities for action of Superior inspection Institutions (SAIs) on this subject, by means of audits and external control actions, have been debated.

The event was promoted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and had the participation of a representative from the U.S. GAO (the United States’ SAI). This webinar is supported by regional project “Strengthening External Control in the Environmental Field”, jointly implemented by the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU-Brazil) and the Latin American and Caribbean Organization of Superior inspection Institutions (OLACEFS), in partnership with the German Cooperation by means of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The event was held in Portuguese, with simultaneous translation to Spanish and English.

Webinar Climate financial
Date: May 7, 2021

Opening: Gustavo Máñez (UNEP), Christian Lauerhass (GIZ), Hugo Chudyson (TCU).

Speakers: William Wills and Linda Murasawa (CBC-EOS-Fractal Consortium), Marissa Dondoe (U.S. GAO), Joseph Thompson (U.S. GAO).

UNEP is contributing for the strengthening of Superior inspection Institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean by means of studies about environmental economic accounting and climate financial, both of which utilize Brazil as a case study. This initiative is supported by project “Strengthening External Control in the Environmental Field”, a partnership between the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU-Brazil), the Latin American and Caribbean Organization of Superior inspection Institutions (OLACEFS), and the German Cooperation by means of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Learn more about the participating organizations:
UNEP: www.unep.org
OLACEFS: https://www.olacefs.com/?lang=en
TCU: https://portal.tcu.gov.br/en_us/english/
U.S. GAO: http://www.gao.gov
Centro Brasil no Clima: https://www.brazilclimatechange.com/home
GIZ in Brazil: https://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/69018.html
Strengthening External Control in the Environmental Field: https://www.giz.de/en/worldwide/44033.html


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