Helldive bro. Please just play the game.

Was having a great gaming’ session last night, 4 players every game. Love it.
The last one of the night… 4 players again.

Two of them must’ve know each other bc,
They talked NON-STOP about how expensive one’s wedding abroad in France will be (I assume their USA); how much money their saving and how f’n smart they are with their money, how much gucci slippers and robes they have…total verbal pissing contest. Even had his wife on the chat chatting finances…

Meanwhile on the other side of the map… the other odd man out and I are running mains.
Just 2 hard drives and a rescue. My obj. partner dies and these other guys reinforce on the other side of the map from us.
I’m alone now…dude I’m with immediately quits possibly out of game frustration or these having a pissing contest about who has more gucci spending plan for their wedding…perhaps both.

Then I die, SD cards in bum F Egypt across the map, I get reinforced under a automaton drop full of beasts die die die… their conversation gets directed toward the game finally and it’s ‘let’s get it brah, save these hostages…wow this guy quit and this other guy won’t stop dying’, ‘wow his level high too, you should be better than this’

All I could say was, ‘you’re such a tool for that’ haha he goes ‘wooow…’


Just play the f’n game. Pretty please. 🙏

Thanks for reading me rant.

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