Dash cam apps for contact number

I have a dash cam for traffic but I really would like to figure out a way to use one of the many useless devices (old phones and tablets) I have to record the interior… please if anyone has tips, share them with me. I would greatly appreciate it.
Currently i do have contact number chargers through to the back seat and i have open usb ports up front.

I recently was accused of driving intoxicated. I lucked out that they said I had caged MICE in my fucking car lol. It really messed with my already shit finances. I'd like to just cover my ass if I have the tools to do so.

25 thoughts on “Dash cam apps for contact number”

  1. You should just buy a dash cam with and interior facing infrared camera. You’re going to need the infrared if you ever drive at night anyway. You can get a decent one for $2-300 and it will pay for itself within a year.

    So here’s my story about the power of dash cams. I have interior and exterior dash cams. I also report any issue I have with a passenger, especially if it’s someone I have to cancel on or kick out. In my report I always tell them that I have dash cam footage available if necessary.

    So a couple years back the night before Thanksgiving I picked up this guy. I make everyone wear a seatbelt, especially on nights when I know there’s other drunks out. I don’t need a 200 lb projectile in my car if somebody hits me. He got in and argued with me about wearing a seatbelt and then told me that it wasn’t required by law (it is and has been for 10 plus years in my state. Plus it’s part of Lyft’s policy anyway.) I could tell he was going to be a jerk so I canceled on him and immediately messaged Lyft that I canceled the ride because he was arguing with me about having to wear a seatbelt.

    So I give two more rides and at the end of the second ride I’m logged out and I get a notification that there’s been a safety report. Someone’s accused me of driving drunk! I was beyond fucking pissed. I was only about 10 minutes from my house so I just headed home. Someone from safety called me less than a minute later. They told me they were following up on the report. I told them that I was pretty sure it was the guy I had just reported for not wearing a seatbelt and that I had dash cam footage of that incident and I would be happy to send it right over. She replied that she could not tell me who made the complaint, but that she could tell from talking to me that I was not drunk and she was going to reactivate me immediately. And she did. And then she sent me a test request just to make sure I was activated and said something about me being able to go right back to work. I told her that I was so aggravated with the whole situation that I was just going to knock off a couple hours early. And she told me she was sorry for the experience and that they were going to give me a $50 bonus to make up for that. The call was finished and the money was in my account before I even made it home. They never contacted me about it again and they never asked to see the footage.

    I have never, ever, ever heard of them reactivating someone so quickly after a report like that. About 90% of the time they’re reactivated after a 48 hour “investigation” and the rest of the time they’re just permanently deactivated. I can only assume the fact that I reported him immediately and said I had dash cam footage completely discredited his story and they decided not to waste any more time on it.

    So, TLDR: Get an interior facing infrared dash cam and report any customer you have a problem with. Those two things will save your ass in 99% of situations.

  2. How else are you supposed to keep mice in your car? I think this driver did the right thing by keeping the mice in their cage. Uncaged mice are a real chore. Perhaps the rider was with PETA… in which case this may be a complaint about imprisoned 🐭s

  3. They have apps for android phones. I used to run one while driving, however the phone just really isn’t up to that kind of power usage. The phone I get very hot and at times have to turn off. Also, unless you buy high-quality SD cards you’re gonna burn . Through them pretty quick.

  4. You can get a 2 way dash cam that records both outside and inside. You don’t need a second device.

    Just make sure you put some kind of notice in the back that says for everyone’s safety and quality assurance this vehicle is equipped with video and audio recording to cover yourself. I don’t know if Lyft does but Uber let’s you register your dash cam with them and notifies riders that you have one

  5. You had a pax trying extra hard to get a free ride, wow. Caged mice is a new one. Maybe you were too intoxicated to notice the mice in a cage that you drove unsafely to pick up at the unauthorized stop? Loooool

  6. Get a dash cam that records the front, rear, and inside of your car. Amazon has plenty for sale that are affordable. I got one, a big memory card, and a hardwire kit for less than $100 to more fully protect my car (in the event someone hits my parked car at the grocery store, the dash cam catches it despite my car being off) and myself at all times, rideshare or no. Great investment.


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