AITA for being indifferent about whether my wife is, “pulling her weight”?

My wife doesn’t have a job. And I don’t care. She quit to take care of our daughter and never went back. I’m perfectly okay with this. I literally never even think about the fact that she doesn’t have a job.

So My brothers GF kicked him out. And so my wife and I said he could stay with us. Him and my wife apparently have been butting heads while I’m at work according to my daughter. Neither had said anything. But my daughter (11 years old) told me. I didn’t say anything. But I didn’t pretend I was surprised when my wife expressed her displeasure with him staying here. So naturally I told him he had til the end of this month to find somewhere else. And that I’d pay for a hotel if he couldn’t find anywhere. But he couldn’t stay here anymore.

He blamed my wife (he’s technically right lol) and said she’s, “abusing me”. Just cause my wife has complete control over our finances. And he saw that she gives me money (100$ every other Monday for gas). I don’t need much and am admittedly not the sharpest tool in the shed so I just let her handle all that. She currently has to give me the cash since my card is broke and I haven’t gotten the chance to get a new one. I’m fine with it. He mentioned that i do “most” of the cleaning (untrue). I just wash dishes a few times a week, and take out the trash every other day though. And that she’s a leech.

He decided he’d leave tonight instead of waiting. I called a buddy of mine and asked him if he could stay there. For now. On the way there he started telling me about how I had no respect for myself.

But….AITA for genuinely not caring that my wife doesn’t have a job, and sometimes says she stays in bed all day, “because she can”.

The way I see it- no one is making ME work. So why should I expect HER to, and think it’s “unfair”.

If I wanted to quit. I would. If she wants to lay around, then who am I to judge? All is good as far as I’m concerned. And it’s not like she does nothing. I’ve never cooked at all since we’ve been together. She always does.

pulling her weight was the phrase he used. That’s why it’s in quotation marks in the title

she takes care of most things at home. But if she didn’t I wouldn’t care.

she only has to give me money since my cards broken and I can’t withdraw anything. I have to go to the economic organization and fix it. But I’m not in a hurry. And I’m not technically asking her for money. She just gives it to me.

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