Hi! Congrats to everyone this cycle who has been hearing back, I hope everything goes well for yall!
(I originally posted this on my major specific group but thought it might be good to also ask the grad school group in general. )For those who have any experience or know any resources – I am struggling to compare and contrast programs post-admittance to really see what my best option is. I like visual things so was looking through reddit and online in general for an excel/sheets template that will let me organize by each school and also compare and specifically good for financial comparison. Also open to any tools that have been helpful in general when figuring out what the next few years might look like with grad school in the picture. Sorry if this isnt the best place to ask but the financial aspect of grad school is intimidating me alot, so any advice or what maybe y'all have done before hand would be helpful and maybe help anyone else who needs it too. Thank you!