Assessing investment mix Impacts – The New Frontier in Sustainable financial

A pioneering report for the first time identifies tools and services to help investment mix managers and other financial institutions look beyond ESG uncertainty and assess the impacts of financial portfolios on the environment, people and society.

The new report by WWF Assessing investment mix impacts: Tools to measure biodiversity and SDG footprints of financial portfolios analyses emerging tools that quantify investment mix ESG impacts and generate information useful for investor decision-making.

Using a number of new tools, investors can now assess the impacts of equity and borrowing portfolios on an absolute basis or relative to a benchmark. These range from tools which site environmental impacts in general, to those which focus on specifics such as biodiversity, as well as on metrics for delivery on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Through case studies using a sample investment mix, WWF looks at how the tools perform, visualize and process the results. WWF also analyzes strengths and limitations of each tool examined, with suggestions on improving data and aligning terminology to support further uptake of the user base .

This webinar was moderated by Margaret Kuhlow, financial Practice Leader at WWF International and included a presentation by Joanne Lee, WWF International & Sam Hilton, WWF International (Consultant) along with a panel discussion including panelists Antti Savilaakso, Partner, Head of Research at Impact-Cubed, Careen Abb, Positive Impact financial, Programme Lead at UNEP FI, Ladislas Smia, Head of Sustainability Research at Mirova, Leonie Jesse, Associate Director at KPMG Sustainability, Marie-Anne Vincent, chief executive officer at Carbon 4 financial & Matthieu Maurin, Co-Founder at Iceberg Data Lab.


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