Bogged Tools releasing Limit Sells at 9pm UTC today! A previously unavailable but necessary feature for traders, Bogged financial is about to dominate the industry

As the industry looks to break new ATH’s today, I think that’s always a great moment to take stock. BTC has finally shattered through 60k, XRP has somehow added $40B to their industry cap this past week even though they’re the hot dog of crypto, and DOGE is about to worth more than a dime.

BSC in particular has seen a major influx of transactions and a huge infusion of capital into the system with BNB touching $600 from the sub-$300 it was just over a week ago. While I’m personally sitting pretty, which I hope the rest of you that have been around this bull run are as well, the question does start to creep in.

What is my exit approach?

How will I actually realize my gains? What is my target number? Do I have any real approach at all or am I just making this up as I go?

If you’re lacking the answers to these questions, you might start wondering if all these new traders coming in, while not getting the same delicious price points you did, might find a way to flip the script on you. After all, new tools are developing everyday. Are you properly equipped to handle the new industry?

Whether you’re an old trader looking to keep your edge or a new trader clawing your way into the industry, you’re in luck. Bogged Tools is introducing limit sells today at 9pm UTC, an unbelievably missing feature for BSC, which will provide traders the ability to manage their exits.

That’s right, if you’re glued to your station desperately checking the price of a token because you’re looking to squeeze 5% more out of it before dumping on the industry, wait no longer. Just set the limit sell and go off on your merry way, whether it be researching the next token to maximize your earning potential, or just to finally go get something to eat.

And while Bogged Charts have been out for a while (not that long, but even a week is eternity on BSC) they’ve never looked this good. While Classic is still available for those of us nostalgic for the days when BSC was young, the new Bogged Charts, released just yesterday, clearly presents liquidity, states what % of the token is actually backed by liquidity (absolutely vital information, even if it’s often ignored) and finds liquidity pools for you stating the value of each LP token.

If you’ve ever owned LP tokens, then you know just how much of an annoyance it can be finding the value of your LP tokens, so having this all in one place is extremely helpful. It’s clear the devs at BogTools understand what traders need to have the best chance of succeeding without wasting their time. ****

By compiling all of this into one easy hub which also allows for limit sells and, coming soon, stop losses, it’s easy to see Bogged financial creating the ecosystem necessary for BSC to become more sophisticated than just a collection of animal coins.

With $BOG at a $15M industry cap currently, there should be no reason this can’t move and establish itself as the dominant charting and trading tool in the industry. After all, PooCoin hit a $30M industry cap last night*.* This is without having any sophisticated tools in development, a name that, while Bogged is a meme, could be seen as disrespectful to the space if they truly have long-term aspirations, and a fraction of the liquidity that Bogged has.

Seriously, PooCoin has a liquidity of $600k currently at a $23M industry cap while Bogged has liquidity at $8M with a $17M industry cap. PooCoin could be obliterated by a couple of sales, while for Bogged, it simply cannot be done.

This means less price volatility, so condolences to my swingie boiz out there, but in terms of actual sustainability and price projection, it couldn’t be clearer that this is where you should be. But, if you wanna set some limit sells tonight to play with the volatility of PooCoin, might not be a bad move. I’d just make sure to get some Bogged first before people get wind of who’s really winning this competition, and before everyone sees how much they need limit sells and stop losses.

Because when this industry turns around and we’re seeing all the scary bears out, you’ll be wondering why you didn’t sell the top, and worse, how you didn’t stop the losses as they were coming. In other words, start making a plan with Bogged, before all you find is yourself getting Bogged. The great forces that surround crypto deem this to be the only way.

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