Launching My firm OpenStreet.AI πŸ™// Generative AI, financial//

Announcement! I’m publicizing my recent project!

Welcome an AI research firm focused on creating intelligent tools to help people make better capital decisions.

Alongside myself is my Cofounder Yasir Ali, a tech entrepreneur who dropped out of NYU. He went on to build multiple startups, one which was acquired and another that grew to over 400 employees here in NYC in 2021. He’s also a member of a renowned Venture Capital community. Most importantly, working alongside us is a growing team of diverse AI researchers and builders; we are aggressively recruiting more across various generative AI startups, hedge-funds and universities, like MIT and Stanford.

Many of you may have heard of the recent advancements in AI, specifically Generative AI, such as ChatGPT. With the pace of innovation in AI moving faster than ever before, we simply could not stop thinking about what this means for investing. It’s evident that AI is being leveraged at large funds but simply isn’t accessible though tools by us average traders. This gap is our motivation. Why should certain entities be able to leverage powerful tools while the average person has to deal with brokerage outages or weak tools.

That’s where we come in.

We believe in a world where intelligent tools will become democratized and accessible to all! In our case that would mean tools that leverage Artificial Intelligence, like Deep Reinforcement learning, to help traders trade better and potentially even enable the models to trade on their own. Like our name implies, we’re open sourcing models being leveraged at these successful organizations/institutions to hopefully benefit the masses!

Stay tuned and make sure to sign up on our website for more updates.

The future is bright


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