industry Research: 5 Tools for Advertising Success

Are you looking to cut down on your webinar’s advertising costs?

After 10 years of trial and error, we’ve learned that the first step in running a successful webinar lies in good industry research.

In fact, using just 5 industry research strategies, we help our customers go from barely breaking even on ad spend, to cutting up to 50-70% of their cost per lead.

Yeah – it’s THAT impactful.

I’d even go so far as to say it’s our #1 secret sauce to winning with ads.

So if you’re interested in slashing down that webinar lead cost then this episode is for you.

You’ll discover:
1. What a Customer Avatar is, and why it’s important to develop one
2. How easy and effective it is to do AI-assisted industry research
3. How to understand what your customer REALLY wants through their pain points and desires
4. How to translate your research data into HIGHLY effective ads

PS. While these tips are primarily for webinars, they apply to any enterprise, really.

This podcast is hosted by Terence Tam, author of Lead Surge: 8 Radically Effective Marketing Funnels for Coaches and Experts.

This podcast is hosted by Terence Tam, author of Lead Surge: 8 Radically Effective Marketing Funnels for Coaches and Experts.

He is also the Founder of Radical Marketing, a digital marketing agency that partners with high-ticket coaches to scale their businesses with Webinars – by using a proprietary blend of story ads and battled-tested sales funnels to achieve better returns on ad dollars.


(8 Effective Marketing Funnels for High Ticket Offers)

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