After getting sued for $30k student debt I created a social personal financial tool

Hi Everyone!

I created Much after hitting rockbottom with my own finances in 2016, I got sued for my student debt ($30k). Up until this point I had terrible borrowing, I had very little money saved, I was drowning in debt, and to top it off, close friends and family had no idea. Fast forward 2 years and 9 months later, I paid off all my debt ($57,000), became debt free, saved a bunch of money to learn how to code, then quit my job in financial to switch careers into tech and create MUCH.

Much is a social money management app that helps people who feel financially overwhelmed by providing them with an easy to follow spending plan for their money and an awesome on platform money community so they feel less isolated and alone on their money journey.

Much automates the budgeting process for users by creating a spending plan for them based on their current spending habits. We don’t just throw data at you and tell you to figure it out. Users can save up to 10% of their take home pay by simply sticking with the plan we create for them while being able to share financial wins and ask questions within a community dedicated to helping folks get better with it.

The platform is created around all the things I learned on my debt-free journey and after coaching countless individuals towards financial success. I’ve seen the ups and downs of individuals finances and truly understand all the components needed to be successful.

We have a free and paid tier, cheaper than the majority of major budgeting platforms out there and we have community.


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