AITA for giving movie vouchers for Halloween?

My son attends half day kindergarten. I just picked him up and has to deal with some moms. I'm writing this in the car just to calm myself down from dealing with these people.

I know this is ridiculous and I never thought I would be writing here but here goes.

My son has 17 kids in his class so I decided to do something nice. Through my firm I get discounted movie tickets to give away to customers. So I put 17 envelopes in my son's backpack for his teacher to put in each other kid's Halloween treat bag today.

There is no problem with this. It's a private school and All the parents agreed to send treats for every kid in the class. No problem with religion or economic hardship.

The problem came when I got there to pick him up. Three moms were waiting for me.

They wanted to know where their ticket was and if I had extra for their other kids?

What? I just thought this was better than more candy. But they are upset with me because now they will have to spend money to use their Halloween treat.

I think all the kids go to see movies. The voucher is good for one kids movie admission, a small soda, a small popcorn, and a small candy.

But it seems that I'm the asshole for only providing for the one kid in my son's class.

I think that they are being greedy. And cheap.


I guess part of the reason they were complaining is that I usually rent out a theater for client events and let my kids invite their friends. These three particular women have brought their entire families to my client nights. That's not a problem I do it as a thank you to my current customers and as a networking and recruitment tool for new customers. And before anyone says anything I am a realtor not into MLM. Also one of them wanted a ticket so her au pair could take the kid. So not sure how time or financial come into play there.

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