Would anyone be interested in this personal financial automation tool I’m building?

Hey Everyone! 👋 I'm working on a project that will be named, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. Financial Automation Workflow Builder (WIP) This project is primarily a personal financial automation tool that lets you create custom workflows to manage your money. Think of it as "Zapier for your finances". Here are some key … Read more

I can’t take discussions around company and money management in kpop spaces seriously

I've stopped engaging in discussions when people talk about loans, debts, or finances here in kpop spaces because there's just so much misinformation spreading around. I'm actually convinced we have a lot of minors who have no real life experience about how money works or how money circulates in this economy. Thankfully, I'm also seeing … Read more

Just Found Akka money management: DeFi Game-Changer with Ultra-Low Fees & Smart Trading Tools! 🚀🔍

Hey everyone! I just found this cool project called Akka money management, and I had to share it with you! If you’re into DeFi, you’ll want to check this out. What’s awesome about Akka is how they make swapping and bridging tokens super cheap. Their smart contracts are really well-made, and they use smart tricks … Read more

Welcome to ShopifyFinanceHub – Let’s Find or Build the Best Tool Together!

Hey everyone, Welcome to ShopifyFinanceHub! If you’re here, you’re likely managing multiple e-commerce stores—Shopify, Amazon, Walmart, Etsy, you name it—and juggling the finances for each can be a real challenge, especially if you are a small seller. We’re a group of Shopify sellers who desperately need affordable financial, accounting, and analytic tools to manage our … Read more