Game-Changing Tools Every Small company Owner Needs for Financial Success!

Hi, I’m Tyler Martin. I’m a company coach and small company CFO. Managing finances seems like such a daunting and overwhelming task, I’m here to tell you that there are some great tools we have available to help us make things easier so that you can focus on growing your company.

No, I’m not going to tell you what you already know like tools such as Quickbooks. You probably already use them or at least I hope you do.

In this video, I’m going to share with you 3 unique tools that I use and recommend that will help you simplify your finances and help you save a ton of time and headache.

Tool #1:RelayFI for profit first implementation
Tool #2: Gusto for Payroll services
Tool #3: Traction VTO
Bonus Tool #4: Scaling Up One Page Strategic Plan



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