Trying to decide between investing in the Vanguard Total Stock industry ETF (VTI) or the Vanguard Total Stock industry Index Fund Investor Shares (VTSAX)? Both give you low-cost exposure to the entire U.S. stock industry, but they have some key differences.
In this video, we break down VTI vs VTSAX to help you determine which total industry index fund is the better choice for your collection of investments. You’ll learn:
– The fundamental similarities and differences between these two Vanguard funds
– How VTI (an ETF) and VTSAX (a mutual fund) vary in trading flexibility, minimums, levy efficiency and more
– Pros and cons of each fund structure when it comes to automatic investing, timing purchases, and transaction costs
– Which type of investor may prefer VTI vs VTSAX based on their specific situation and goals
– A Python script for automating trades and collection of investments allocations (with the script breakdown available by request)
By the end, you’ll have all the insights needed to confidently pick either VTI or VTSAX as the core total U.S. stock industry holding for your long-term, diversified funding collection of investments.
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