I created a site where founders can list their favorite tools/products (i.e stack) all with no-code (I’m in money management)

Hey all!

I currently work full=time in money management and desperately want out hahah I'm constantly throwing things against the wall and seeing what sticks. This time around, I built www.faveflow.com – a site where founders can list their favorite tools & products that helped make them successful. Founders can list tools in different stacks (i.e engineering stack, money management stack, marketing stack, etc.).

The reason I created this was because when searching for tools/products myself, I found myself overwhelmed. Often times, I wasn't sure if I was getting tricked with marketing (i.e upvotes on PH). The way I combatted this was by searching what tools my favorite founders used. I trusted my founders direct recommendations more so than doing all the research by myself. For example, if Marc Louvion (one of my fave founders) recommended using Stripe over any other payment processor, I would be more inclined to using that.

The issue with this, was that it was hard to keep track of. Sometimes founders would post their 'stack' and I would bookmark it. But what if I were to miss their post. What if they updated their stack one day because something changed. I would have to keep track of all their posts and going through all my bookmarks was a pain. So I set out to build a central place where all founders can list their recommended tools!

Enter FaveFlow! You can add your stack (choose from over 500 products already listed) and join over 60+ founders (with many more to come). You can bookmark companies, save founders and save your own custom stacks (i.e see Austin Rief & Marc's favorite companies at the same time). It's really early so feel free to play around and see what's cool & not cool. Will continue building features/clearing bugs in the meantime! Let me know in the comments your feedback!

Thank you!!

P.S I built this without knowing ONE line of code. I don't have an ounce of developer talent in my blood – yet I was able to build a fully functioning web app with several features. Just really mindblowing how far we've come.

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