manual investment mix/financial tracking tool?

Does anyone have a suggestion for a tool to track your personal finances/investment mix?

I have several different economic organization accounts and brokers. TD, Questrade, interactive brokers. I track all my positions with excel but this is very tedious because I have to keep updating stock prices and FX rates. I have tried to build it with formulas and references but it is still a mess.

The tool I want is Wealthica, but I absolutely refuse to log in to my accounts and provide them any sort of access to my personal information. This is really simply what I stand to lose (identity, life savings) and what I stand to gain (minor convenience).

I am just looking for a tool that allows me to enter my positions manually IE tickers and sizing, but will automatically pull sector pricing for me, do FX conversions back to CAD, show my position sizing, net worth, resources, debts, etc. I don't have a problem updating it manually each time I add or sell a position. Does anyone have a suggestion?

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