New company, looking at a 3-tool financial stack of Starling, AMEX and QuickBooks – does this make good sense?

financial stack recommendations?

Created (another) new company on Christmas Day out of boredom. I haven't done this for a few years, so I've done some light research and am about to set up the financial side of things.

I'll be selling both digital and physical goods online, likely spending around £1k/month for the first 6 months to see how things pan out.

This is the stack I'm leaning towards:

1. Starling – free banking and integrates with a few accounting softwares.

2. AMEX Gold – free first year with decent points bonuses for the amount I'll be spending.

3. QuickBooks – currently £1.40 for the first 6 months and plugs into Starling.

I'll be setting stuff up tomorrow so drop some advice if you think I've gone wrong somewhere!

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