Personal money management tools?

I’m 24F and new to personal money management. I’ve always been good with my money, but I want to take it to the next level.

By “good with my money” I mean I always make sure I have enough money to pay my bills in full and on time, however I don’t typically have any money left over at the end of the month and right now I’m budgeting $0 for savings even though I know I could be saving, so all in all I’m technically not good with my money. I’m ready to be proactive with my finances though and make a change.

I’ve been spending a lot of time recently learning about finances and getting excited about the concept of budgeting and saving. Two tools that I feel could be helpful are something like Cait Flanders’ Mindful Budgeting Planner, or something similar, or a subscription to You Need A financial plan. I’ve been arguing with myself though about whether it makes sense to spend money (especially $80 for YNAB) on something to help me save money.

I guess I’m here to see if anybody else struggled to justify purchasing one of these tools, and, if you did purchase one of them (or any product similar), what has your experience been with it? Do you feel it was worth the money? Did you actually use it and/or did you find it helpful?

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