Robert Kiyosaki: “I Made Billions In 2008, I'm Buying This $20 Asset To Make Millions In 2024 Crash”

Robert Kiyosaki, the influential money management figure behind “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” has been sounding the alarm on the U.S. economy. His warnings are not to be taken lightly, as he raises significant concerns about various economic indicators. Specifically, Kiyosaki has highlighted the sluggish development of the U.S. economy, indicating a troubling trend that could lead to further challenges down the road. Moreover, he has drawn attention to the insidious threat of inflation, which he believes is eroding the economic steadiness of American households. Central to Kiyosaki’s critique are the policies implemented by the U.S. administration. He has been particularly critical of President Biden, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, and Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, predicting that their policies could lead the country into a depression and even a war. Kiyosaki has dismissed the notion of a soft landing for the economy, instead warning of a crash landing as a more probable scenario. In light of these economic warnings, Kiyosaki has identified one asset that he once opposed but now defenders as champion. Despite his previous reservations, Kiyosaki now believes that this asset has the potential to make investors millionaires even than gold and silver and serve as a hedge against economic uncertainty. In this video, we will provide a comprehensive examination of Robert Kiyosaki’s economic warnings and explore why he sees a particular asset as a game-changer for investors seeking money security.
Let’s now journey through Kiyosaki’s recent tweets, where he acts as our guide through the twists and turns of the economic landscape. Our tale begins on February 15th, 2024 where Kiyosaki takes a bold stance, declaring. “Sick and tired of hearing ‘experts’ ask, ‘what is the Fed doing?’ The Fed is the problem. The Fed is a criminal organization. The Fed has destroyed the economy” He asserted that the Fed’s policies have disproportionately harmed the poor and middle class while offering bailouts to wealthy banks. With these words, he sets the stage for what’s to come, challenging conventional wisdom and pointing fingers at the Federal Reserve as a culprit in the economic saga.

Robert Kiyosaki: “I Made Billions In 2008, I’m Buying This $20 Asset To Make Millions In 2024 Crash”

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