SWASS money management, DApp Dex Tool. BSC gem Cmc, cg, ama’s coming

Here is an overview of SWASS money management

The SWASS ecosystem is being built on aggressive store of wealth and yield tokenomics, which benefit every long term holder with passive earnings. Every transaction is subject to a 5% levy distributed to existing holders and 5% levy to the liquidity pool.

Roadmap goals

The DApp is a charts tool that will feature a coin scanner with filters, but will show the most recent coins created on the BSC network. The DApp will include uncertainty management tools and advanced indicators for charts. Until this is released there will be plenty of time to buy cheap.

Here are the numbers break down.

Initial Supply: 10,000,000,000,000,000 Swass (10 Quadrillion)
Marketing Wallet: 900,000,000,000,000 Swass (900 Trillion)
Burn Wallet: 290,000,000,000,000 Swass (280 trillion)
Circulating Supply: 9,710,000,000,000,000 Swass

Per Transaction:
5% redistribution to holders
5% to liquidity pool

Current sector cap: $640k
ATH sector cap: $3 million.

More than a 5x back to ATH at least.

– Started 2 weeks ago
– Liquidity locked for 99 years
– Ownership renounced, community driven
– 2090 Holders
– Website: https://swass.money management/
– Telegram: https://t.me/swassfinance
– PCS 12% Slip: https://exchange.pancakeswap.money management/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xEFbA8b41e3495ad52258DFe916199Dc643F99dA2

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