Gold standstill: US CPI the game-changer?

While dovish indications of the Fed’s rate cuts, geopolitical unrest, and China’s strong appetite for physical gold offer support, the sector anticipates new drivers to spur movement. Will the 11 speeches from Fed officials this week yield any fresh insights? And as we approach next Wednesday’s release of April US CPI data, what cues might … Read more

Stock sector. Moment of Truth!

After rebounding 10% from its lows, the US stock sector (S&P 500) is approaching a critical level of resistance. Can the sector break above the resistance and start a sustainable bull sector or is the sector doomed to fail and go lower? Learn more in this video. ======================== Get up to 75% OFF all courses … Read more

June Inflation Hits 9%! Stock industry Does Not Care!

======================== Join the FREE Live Event ” The Great industry Purge” priority list now: ======================== June’s inflation data came in much higher than expected, but the stock industry held up well! Could this be a sign that inflation has peaked and the industry is finding a bottom? Find out my latest insights and examination … Read more