Why Climate financial is Necessary? | DRM News #climatechange #globalwarming

Why Climate financial is Necessary? | DRM News #climatechange #cop15 This summer, India and coastal states like Odisha face deadly heatwaves, while Bangladesh experiences record temperatures. Afghanistan has seen devastating flash floods, displacing thousands. Developing countries, despite low historical emissions, suffer disproportionately from climate change due to their reliance on climate-sensitive sectors. The world’s largest … Read more

Finland and IFC Partner to Provide Blended Climate financial offerings

Martin Spicer IFC’s Director for Blended financial speaks with Kai Mykkänen, Finland’s Minister for Foreign Trade and Development about what it is like for his country to be IFC’s first European bilateral partner in blended climate financial. IFC’s Vice President for Blended financial & Partnerships – Nena Stoiljkovic, also joined the conversation to highlight IFC’s … Read more