Land-use money management Tool webinar: Mapping money management to achieve forest and climate objectives

Climate Policy Initiative and EU REDD Facility webinar Mapping money management to achieve forest and climate objectives: Land-use money management Tool Why should land-use money management be mapped and analysed? How can public and private spending contribute to achieving REDD+ objectives? What are the main financing gaps, opportunities and priorities? How can unsustainable money management … Read more

CPI Webinar: Blended financial in Clean Energy

In this webinar, CPI analysts Bella Tonkonogy and Alex Clark discuss findings from the Blended financial in Clean Energy: Experiences and Opportunities paper. The webinar covers the risks and barriers to investors in clean energy and how blended financial has been used to site them; what more is needed to unlock clean energy capital opportunities … Read more

CPI Webinar: Global Landscape of Climate financial 2017

In this CPI webinar, Senior Analyst Padraig Oliver discusses the Global Landscape of Climate financial 2017 report, which found that global funding toward low-carbon and climate-resilient actions reached a record high of USD $437 billion in 2015, before falling to $383 billion in 2016. Disclaimer: If you own the YouTube channel related to this video … Read more