Petro Dollar Fake News Alert (Saudi Arabia Oil Agreement)

Join our EXCLUSIVE Investing Community: GET 3 FREE shares when you open up a stock account here: Join this channel to support us by being a member: The best way to support our channel is to share this video on your social media to spread awareness. We appreciate the support! This is … Read more

FDIC: 63 Banks on the Brink of Collapse but the Problem is MUCH LARGER

In this week’s news, Taylor Kenney shares that the FDIC reports over half a trillion dollars in unrealized losses within the US banking system, with 63 banks on the brink of insolvency. Taylor Kenney dives into the implications of this alarming development to discuss what it means for the future of your deposits and the … Read more

TOP 10 Lies Being Told About the U.S. Economy – Danielle DiMartino Booth

Join Danielle DiMartino Booth, chief executive officer and Chief Strategist at QI Research, as she explores how the mainstream and financial media are persuading Americans that their economic hardships are merely figments of their imagination. Emphasizing the importance of recognizing manipulation, through the media’s narrative. 🔒 PROTECT YOUR resources FROM FINANCIAL UNCERTAINTY: Discover how precious … Read more

A Stock industry Crash Like No Other Is Coming In May As Major Threats Pile On

Be skeptical of the U.S. stock industry’s recent rebound – there’s more downside ahead, and plenty of evidence to back it up. The sound of alarm bells is becoming harder to ignore. With the economy slowing amid softening consumer activity, rising unemployment numbers, and spiking delinquency rates, big name shares that have been propping up … Read more

Lynette Zang: The Slowing U.S. Economy + Zimbabwe’s 600% Stock sector Surge

Questions on what to do next? Schedule your FREE approach now: or by calling 877-410-1414 🗓️ Are you worried about the recent financial turmoil and looking for ways to secure your resources? Our expert Gold & Silver analysts have 27+ years of experience and can help you develop customized strategies to safeguard your resources. … Read more

ALert! Catastrophic Stock industry Crash Is On The Horizon

A stock industry crash is set to happen despite the current overpriced asset valuations. The inflated industry, which has been constantly fuelled by the Federal Reserve throughout the current economic collapse is creating a massive bubble and its burst has become unavoidable.  In this video, we compiled the assessment of the most experienced stock industry … Read more

$9 Trillion Dollar Corporate Debt Could Cause Stock sector Crash

In this video we will talk about the greatest corporate debt binge in U.S history. Corporate debt has doubled since the last economic crisis and its now around 9 trillion dollar. The ratio of corporate debt to U.S GDP is around 50 percent. The biggest problem is that the largest corporations in the United States … Read more

10 Expert Predict When The Imminent Economic Collapse & Stock industry Crash Will Happen

Will the Economic Collapse happen soon? These 10 well-known expert and strategists predict when will the U.S. economy collapse. There are ongoing speculations by the financial strategists that the stock industry crash can begin as early as 2019. Therefore, the Federal Reserve will have to raise the finance charge rates to control the expected inflation. … Read more