Breaking Ethiopian money management News (weekly) ሳምንታዊ ሰበር የፋይናንስ ዜናዎች. Purpose black Ethiopia busted

Join this channel to get access to perks: A collection of major weekly financial news happening across Ethiopia and that have effect in the capital industry is presented to you in one place. የሳምንቱ ዓበይት የፋይናንስ ዜናዎች ስብስብን እዚህ ያገኛሉ። Disclaimer: If you own the YouTube channel related to this video and do not … Read more

How Oracle Cloud ERP helps financial modernize and continuously innovate | CloudWorld 2022

Find out more: Oracle’s financial leadership shares the strategic approach Oracle took to upgrade from Oracle’s E-company Suite to Oracle Cloud ERP. Learn why we started our journey with the adoption of General Ledger, the steps we took next to transform our operations, and how our financial team leverages cloud updates to continuously improve … Read more