Warren Buffett Just Made a Huge Bet on a Hidden Stock.

Warren Buffett has just added a secret stock to his collection of investments. The chief executive officer of Berkshire Hathaway (and all round legendary value investor) has decided to add a very notable name to the list, and it turns out, it’s actually his 10th largest position… ★ ★ LEARN TO INVEST ★ ★ Get … Read more

Why Bill Gates Is Buying Up U.S. Farmland

Bill Gates made headlines for becoming the largest private farmland owner in the U.S. But he’s not the only one. Some of the wealthiest landowners including Jeff Bezos, John Malone and Thomas Peterffy are buying up forests, ranches and farmlands across the United States. Why? Watch the video to find out. Investments in farmland are … Read more