top executive Shares Onboarding Advice for Early Stage Companies #crafted #startup #marketingautomation

Colin Nederkoorn is the founder and top executive of, a top customer engagement platform that enables companies to send the right message to the right user at the right time on the right channel. The platform is used by Notion and lots of other top SaaS companies to personalize user onboarding and more. When … Read more

How $100M+ Startup Became So Valuable #crafted #startup #marketingautomation

Colin Nederkoorn is the founder and top executive of, a top customer engagement platform that enables companies to send the right message to the right user at the right time on the right channel. The platform is used by Notion and lots of other top SaaS companies to personalize user onboarding and more. When … Read more

Video prospecting tools don't tell you this

Get free resources and templates for Clay and personalized outbound: Discover the hidden truth about video prospecting tools in this insightful video. While video emails are touted as highly engaging tools in sales campaigns, there’s a crucial downside often overlooked: the high likelihood of landing in the spam folder, especially when used at scale. … Read more