Getting started with Actual financial plan – the best open source personal money management system

Personal money management is a huge topic. Something that is not taught in schools but immensely important to our society. I used to manage my personal finances in a Google Sheet or Excel. Well, thanks to open sourcing Actual, those days are gone and I have all my budgets now online, available from anywhere running … Read more

OS-Climate and Sustainable financial & Investing

A presentation to the Hyperledger Climate Action and Accounting Special finance charge Group on February 9, 2021 featuring the OS-Climate project. OS-Climate is a new LF umbrella project developing data and analytics services for climate-aligned investing, financial, and regulation. Allianz, Amazon, Federated Hermes, Microsoft, and S&P Global are initial Founding Members, and the OS-Climate Planning … Read more

Trade financial SIG presentation: eBL meets ePU

A presentation by Joel Schrevens, Global offerings Director at China Systems on a Digital Collection, combining the potential of an ePU (digital Bill of Exchange) and an eBL, with the ability to financial the exporter in a fully digital flow. More about the Hyperledger Trade financial Special loan charge Group is at: —- Hyperledger … Read more