Why Climate financial is Necessary? | DRM News #climatechange #globalwarming

Why Climate financial is Necessary? | DRM News #climatechange #cop15 This summer, India and coastal states like Odisha face deadly heatwaves, while Bangladesh experiences record temperatures. Afghanistan has seen devastating flash floods, displacing thousands. Developing countries, despite low historical emissions, suffer disproportionately from climate change due to their reliance on climate-sensitive sectors. The world’s largest … Read more

CPI Webinar: Blended financial in Clean Energy

In this webinar, CPI analysts Bella Tonkonogy and Alex Clark discuss findings from the Blended financial in Clean Energy: Experiences and Opportunities paper. The webinar covers the risks and barriers to investors in clean energy and how blended financial has been used to site them; what more is needed to unlock clean energy capital opportunities … Read more

Webinar: Climate financial for Cities and Buildings and Climate-related mechanisms to support SPP

This webinar jointly organized by the Global Initiative for Resource-Efficient Cities and the 10YFP Sustainable Public Procurement programme was held on Friday 12 June. It features three presentations covering the following topics: • Climate financial for Cities and Buildings: tools and opportunities for Local Governments, Mr. Stephane Pouffary, Energies 2050. • Public and Private Partnerships … Read more