UK Student financial Calculator – Free Tool!

Hi all, I built a Student financial Calculator tool for anyone with a Plan 2 (2012 or later) Student loan. Please let me know your thoughts!

The Tool:

The main purpose of the tool is to show the potential repayments that would be made on a new student loan. Because of the idiosyncratic nature of UK student loans, for most people the total loan value matters much less than difference between your salary and the payment threshold – if you earn less than the threshold you make no payments! So if you were wondering about the potential cost of a degree and have a rough idea of what your salary could be afterwards, the tool will help you estimate your repayments each year.

I’ll be adding extra features over the coming weeks! The website is currently ad & payment free so anyone can use it. Enjoy and let me know how can improve it for you guys.

I make no financial benefit from you using my site as there are no ads or payments required. I’m just posting here as I would love some feedback and because it could be a useful tool!

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