Webinar: Climate financial for Cities and Buildings and Climate-related mechanisms to support SPP

This webinar jointly organized by the Global Initiative for Resource-Efficient Cities and the 10YFP Sustainable Public Procurement programme was held on Friday 12 June. It features three presentations covering the following topics:

• Climate financial for Cities and Buildings: tools and opportunities for Local Governments, Mr. Stephane Pouffary, Energies 2050.
• Public and Private Partnerships and their implications for climate change mitigation on a investment mix scale, Mr. Kevin Kampschroer, US General Services Administration.
• Procurement of sustainable buildings: using Core Indicators to establish a quantitative baseline, Mr. Pekka Huovila, Consultant, Ministry of the Environment of Finland.

Information about the webinar: https://www.oneplanetnetwork.org/webinar-climate-financial-cities-buildings-and-climate-related-mechanisms
One Planet network: https://www.oneplanetnetwork.org
Sustainable Public Procurement Programme: https://www.oneplanetnetwork.org/sustainable-public-procurement


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