Welcome to ShopifyFinanceHub – Let’s Find or Build the Best Tool Together!

Hey everyone,

Welcome to ShopifyFinanceHub!

If you’re here, you’re likely managing multiple e-commerce stores—Shopify, Amazon, Walmart, Etsy, you name it—and juggling the finances for each can be a real challenge, especially if you are a small seller. We’re a group of Shopify sellers who desperately need affordable financial, accounting, and analytic tools to manage our multiple stores in one place. When we add up all the apps, tools, or subscriptions, the costs for small sellers like us can increase exponentially. Let's share some of our experiences and see if we can help each other.

Moreover, we’re also experienced developers with a deep understanding of home loan technologies and rules-based engines in the financial space. We would love it if this community could evolve into building a financial/accounting/analytic app specifically designed for people like us, and we need your help to make it the best tool it can be.

Here’s what we’re looking to do in this community:

  • Gather Your Feedback: What challenges do you face managing finances across platforms? What tools do you currently use, and what’s missing from them?
  • Find Potential Workarounds or Other Useful Apps: Share your thoughts on workarounds or other tools that everyone can use.
  • Discuss Features: Share your thoughts on what would make the perfect financial app. We’re talking about everything from automated reports to real-time insights.
  • Learn from Each Other: This is a space for sharing tips, tricks, and strategies that help you manage your multi-store enterprise more effectively.

If we decide to build the app, we’ll actively participate in discussions and share updates on its development. Your feedback will directly influence our features and improvements, so don’t hold back!

Let’s work together to build something great.

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